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<--Code by Admin Haku -->

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Share Code Audition

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Bài gửiTiêu đề: Share Code Audition Share Code Audition 3e45c23a204Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:14 pm

Share Code Audition

  • Code:
    Dim addDaoXinh&, addBoss&, addPer&, addnoibay&, addgioitinh&, add0s&, addbugkitu&, add2k&
    Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function SetLayeredWindowAttributes Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal crKey As Long, ByVal bAlpha As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
    Private Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20)
    Private Const LWA_ALPHA = &H2
    Private Const WS_EX_LAYERED = &H80000
    Dim m_lAlpha
    Dim chuoichay As String
    Dim chuoichay1 As String
    ' code dis X
    Private Declare Function GetSystemMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal bRevert As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetMenuItemCount Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function RemoveMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPosition As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
    Private Declare Function GetIpAddrTable Lib "IPHlpApi" (pIPAdrTable As Byte, pdwSize As Long, ByVal Sort As Long) As Long
    Private Type IPINFO
        dwAddr As Long
        dwIndex As Long
        dwMask As Long
        dwBCastAddr As Long
        dwReasmSize As Long
        unused1 As Integer
        unused2 As Integer
    End Type
    Private Type MIB_IPADDRTABLE
        dEntrys As Long
        mIPInfo(255) As IPINFO
    End Type
    Private Type IP_Array
        mBuffer As MIB_IPADDRTABLE
        BufferLen As Long
    End Type
    Private Function ConvertAddressToString(longAddr As Long) As String
        Dim myByte(3) As Byte
        Dim Cnt As Long
        CopyMemory myByte(0), longAddr, 4
        For Cnt = 0 To 3
            ConvertAddressToString = ConvertAddressToString + CStr(myByte(Cnt)) & "."
        Next Cnt
        ConvertAddressToString = Left$(ConvertAddressToString, Len(ConvertAddressToString) - 1)
    End Function
    Private Function GETip() As String
    On Error GoTo End1
        Dim Ret As Long
        Dim bBytes() As Byte
        Dim Listing As MIB_IPADDRTABLE
        GetIpAddrTable ByVal 0&, Ret, True
        If Ret <= 0 Then Exit Function
        ReDim bBytes(0 To Ret - 1) As Byte
        GetIpAddrTable bBytes(0), Ret, False
        CopyMemory Listing.dEntrys, bBytes(0), 4
        CopyMemory Listing.mIPInfo(0), bBytes(4), Len(Listing.mIPInfo(0))
        GETip = ConvertAddressToString(Listing.mIPInfo(0).dwAddr)
        Exit Function
        GETip = ""
    End Function
    Private Sub GetFromRes(id As Integer, fp As String)
        Dim fn As Integer
        Dim fb() As Byte
        fb = LoadResData(id, "CUSTOM")
        fn = FreeFile
        Open fp For Binary Access Write As #fn
        Put #fn, , fb
        Close #fn
    End Sub
    Private Sub Check1_Click()
    If Check1.Value = Checked Then
    Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary Access Write As #1
        Put #1, &H4A8923, &H7373
    Close #1
    End If
    If Check1.Value = Unchecked Then
        Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary Access Write As #1
            Put #1, &H4A8923, &H6C73
        Close #1
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Check2_Click()
    If Check2.Value = Checked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addgioitinh&, Chr(&H4E) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H89) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&HB7) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&HD9) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H4E) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H6)
    Close #1
    End If
    If Check2.Value = Unchecked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addgioitinh&, Chr(&H5A) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H89) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&HB7) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&HD9) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H4E) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H6B)
    Close #1
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Check3_Click()
    'hack del
    If Check3.Value = Checked Then
    FileCopy "1.dll", "Hackdel.exe"
    Shell App.Path & "\Hackdel.exe"
    Check3.Enabled = False
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Check4_Click()
    If Check4.Value = Checked Then
    Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary Access Write As #1
        Put #1, &H4ECA1B, &H0
    Close #1
    Check2.Enabled = False
    End If
    If Check4.Value = Unchecked Then
    Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary Access Write As #1
        Put #1, &H4ECA1B, &H3F5E
    Close #1
    Check2.Enabled = True
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Check5_Click()
    If Check5.Value = Checked Then
    Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary Access Write As #1
        Put #1, &H4ECA1B, &H0
    Close #1
    Check4.Enabled = False
    End If
    If Check5.Value = Unchecked Then
    Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary Access Write As #1
        Put #1, &H4ECA1B, &H3F5E
    Close #1
    Check4.Enabled = True
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Check6_Click()
    If Check6.Value = Checked Then
    Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary As #1
    Put #1, &H4D93C3, &H3030
    Close #1
    Check8.Enabled = True
    End If
    If Check6.Value = Unchecked Then
    Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary As #1
    Put #1, &H4D93C3, &H3F7F
    Close #1
    Check8.Enabled = True
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Check7_Click()
    If Check7.Value = Checked Then
        Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary Access Write As #1
          Put #1, &H4A87B4, &H6D73
        Close #1
    End If
    If Check7.Value = Unchecked Then
        Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary Access Write As #1
            Put #1, &H4A87B4, &H6D65
        Close #1
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Check8_Click()
    If Check8.Value = Checked Then
    Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary Access Write As #1
            Put #1, &H4D93C3, &H9090
            Put #1, &H4ACE2E, &H466A
    Close #1
    Check6.Enabled = False
    End If
    If Check8.Value = Unchecked Then
    Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary Access Write As #1
        Put #1, &H4D93C3, &H3F7F
        Put #1, &H4ACE2E, &H486A
    Close #1
    Check6.Enabled = True
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Check9_Click()
    If Check9.Value = Checked Then
        MsgBoxUni UNC("Chuc Nang Nay Se Som Update ^^!"), , ("Thong Bao")
    Check9.Enabled = False
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub chk0s_Click()
    If chk0s.Value = Checked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", add2k&, Chr(&H31)
    Close #1
    End If
    If chk0s.Value = Unchecked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", add2k&, Chr(&HC7)
    Close #1
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub chk2k_Click()
    If chk2k.Value = Checked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", add2k&, Chr(&H31)
    Close #1
    End If
    If chk2k.Value = Unchecked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", add2k&, Chr(&HBA)
    Close #1
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub chkresetbossbr_Click()
    If chkresetbossbr.Value = Checked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addBoss&, Chr(&H1F) & Chr(&H2C)
    Close #1
    chkresetbossbu.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossdon.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossdoi.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossnhom.Enabled = False
    End If
    If chkresetbossbr.Value = Unchecked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addBoss&, Chr(&H10) & Chr(&H1B)
    Close #1
    chkresetbossbu.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossdoi.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossdon.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossnhom.Enabled = True
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub chkresetbossdoi_Click()
    If chkresetbossdoi.Value = Checked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addBoss&, Chr(&HFB) & Chr(&H33)
    Close #1
    chkresetbossnhom.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossdon.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossbr.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossbu.Enabled = False
    End If
    If chkresetbossdoi.Value = Unchecked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addBoss&, Chr(&H10) & Chr(&H1B)
    Close #1
    chkresetbossdon.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossnhom.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossbu.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossbr.Enabled = True
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub chkresetbossnhom_Click()
    If chkresetbossnhom.Value = Checked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addBoss&, Chr(&H6F) & Chr(&H17)
    Close #1
    chkresetbossbu.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossbr.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossdoi.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossdon.Enabled = False
    End If
    If chkresetbossnhom.Value = Unchecked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addBoss&, Chr(&H10) & Chr(&H1B)
    Close #1
    chkresetbossdoi.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossdon.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossbr.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossbu.Enabled = True
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub chkresetbossdon_Click()
    If chkresetbossdon.Value = Checked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addBoss&, Chr(&HA6) & Chr(&H6)
    Close #1
    chkresetbossnhom.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossdoi.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossbu.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossbr.Enabled = False
    End If
    If chkresetbossdon.Value = Unchecked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addBoss&, Chr(&H10) & Chr(&H1B)
    Close #1
    chkresetbossdoi.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossnhom.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossbr.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossbu.Enabled = True
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub chkresetbossbu_Click()
    If chkresetbossbu.Value = Checked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addBoss&, Chr(&H70) & Chr(&H16)
    chkresetbossdoi.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossdon.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossbr.Enabled = False
    chkresetbossnhom.Enabled = False
    Close #1
    End If
    If chkresetbossbu.Value = Unchecked Then
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addBoss&, Chr(&H10) & Chr(&H1B)
    Close #1
    chkresetbossnhom.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossbr.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossdon.Enabled = True
    chkresetbossdoi.Enabled = True
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Shell App.Path & "\patcher_1.exe"
    Close #1
        'Creating a Desktop Shortcut To a Web Site
        Dim sUrl As String
        Dim sFile As String
        Dim lFile As Long
        lFile = FreeFile
        sUrl = "URL="
    Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
    Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
    Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
        sFile = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\HAZAMI.url"
        Open sFile For Output As lFile
        Print #lFile, "[InternetShortcut]"
        Print #lFile, sUrl
        Close lFile
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command2_Click()
    Dim b()  As Byte
    Dim strLocalFolder As String
    Dim strFullPathFileName As String
    strLocalFolder = App.Path
    If Right(strLocalFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
        strLocalFolder = strLocalFolder & "\"
    End If
    strFullPathFileName = strLocalFolder & "\Audition.exe"
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", add0s&, Chr(&HC7)
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addPer&, Chr(&H3F) & Chr(&HA4) & Chr(&H70) & Chr(&H7D) & Chr(&H3F) & Chr(&H33) & Chr(&H33) & Chr(&H73) & Chr(&H3F) & Chr(&H9A) & Chr(&H99) & Chr(&H59) & Chr(&H3F) & Chr(&H14) & Chr(&HAE) & Chr(&H47) & Chr(&H3F) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H80) & Chr(&H3F)
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addBoss&, Chr(&H10) & Chr(&H1B)
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addnoibay&, Chr(&H6C) & Chr(&H61) & Chr(&H6E) & Chr(&H67)
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addDaoXinh&, Chr(&H65)
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addgioitinh&, Chr(&H5A) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H89) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&HB7) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&HD9) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H4E) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H6B)
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addbugkitu&, Chr(&H27) & Chr(&H27) & Chr(&H21) & Chr(&H40) & Chr(&H23) & Chr(&H24) & Chr(&H25) & Chr(&H5E) & Chr(&H26) & Chr(&H2A) & Chr(&H28) & Chr(&H29) & Chr(&H3B) & Chr(&H3A) & Chr(&H22) & Chr(&H60) & Chr(&H5B) & Chr(&H5D) & Chr(&H7B) & Chr(&H7D) & Chr(&H2F) & Chr(&H3F) & Chr(&H2C) & Chr(&H2E) & Chr(&H3C) & Chr(&H3E) & Chr(&H2B) & Chr(&H7C) & Chr(&H2D) & Chr(&H3D) & Chr(&H5C) & Chr(&HFF) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H0) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H60) & Chr(&H7E) & Chr(&H21) & Chr(&H40) & Chr(&H23) & Chr(&H24) & Chr(&H25)
    Close #1
        If Dir(App.Path & "\Hackdel.exe") <> vbNullString Then
                Kill App.Path & "\Hackdel.exe"
          End If
            FileCopy "data\031goc.acv", "data\031.acv"
            Kill App.Path & "\data\031goc.acv"
        MsgBoxUni UNC("C¸m ¥n B¹n §· Sö Dông Tool Chóc B¹n Mét Ngµy Vui VÎ ^_^"), , ("Thanks You")
    Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
    Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
    Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
      'If UnloadMode <> vbFormCode Then
        '    Cancel = True
        '  Timer2.Enabled = True
        'End If
    End Sub
    Private Function Doigiatri(ByVal sFile$, ByVal GTtim$, ByVal GTthay$) As Boolean
        On Error GoTo Complite
        If sFile$ = "" Then Exit Function
        sFile$ = App.Path & "\" & sFile$
        Dim strBuff As String
        Open sFile$ For Binary As #1
        strBuff = Space(LOF(1))
        Get #1, , strBuff
        If Len(strBuff) > 0& Then
            Dim sFind As String, iPos&
            iPos& = InStr(strBuff, GTtim$)
            If iPos& > 0& Then
                Put #1, iPos&, GTthay$
            End If
        End If
        Close #1
        Doigiatri = True
    End Function
    Private Function FileSetValue(ByVal sFile$, ByVal iPos&, ByVal GTthay$) As Boolean
        On Error GoTo Complite
        If sFile$ = "" Then Exit Function
        sFile$ = App.Path & "\" & sFile$
        Dim strBuff As String
        iPos& = iPos& + 1
        Open sFile$ For Binary As #1
            Put #1, iPos&, GTthay$
        Close #1
        FileSetValue = True
    End Function
    Private Sub Command3_Click()
      Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
    Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
    Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
    Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        addBoss& = &H1A7DFC
        addnoibay& = &H4A8920
        addgioitinh& = &H4DA9E6
        add0s& = &H49679A
        addbugkitu& = &H496E31
        add2k& = &H4966EA
    '    Dim strBuff As String
    '    Open App.Path & "\Audition.exe" For Binary As #1
    '    strBuff = Space(LOF(1))
    '    Get #1, , strBuff
    '    Close #1
    '    If Len(strBuff) > 0& Then
    '        Dim sFind As String, iPos As Long
    '        sFind = Chr(&H65) & Chr(&H6D) & Chr(&H6F) & Chr(&H74) & Chr(&H69) & Chr(&H63) & Chr(&H6F) & Chr(&H6E) & Chr(&H2E) & Chr(&H73) & Chr(&H6C) & Chr(&H6B)
    '        iPos = InStr(strBuff, sFind)
    '        If iPos > 0& Then
    '            MsgBox "Dia chi reset boss  la 0x" & Hex$(iPos - 1), vbInformation
    '        Else
    '            MsgBox "Khong tim thay", vbExclamation
    '        End If
    '    End If
      Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
    Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
    Shell "EXPLORER.EXE " & ""
      If Dir("Audition.exe") = Empty Then
    MsgBox " Ban Chua Copy Vao Thu Muc Audition", , " HAZAMI "
        End If
    Dim lStyle As Long
    FileCopy "data\031.acv", "data\031goc.acv"
    FileCopy "vietclan.dll", "data\031.acv"
    GetFromRes 101, App.Path & "\data\051.acv"
        FileSetValue "Audition.exe", addbugkitu&, Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20) & Chr(&H20)
      'dis X
        Dim hSysMenu As Long, nCnt As Long
      hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(Me.hwnd, False)
      If hSysMenu Then
            nCnt = GetMenuItemCount(hSysMenu)
            If nCnt Then
                RemoveMenu hSysMenu, nCnt - 1, &H400& Or &H1000& ' xoá mu.c close trong system menu
                RemoveMenu hSysMenu, nCnt - 2, &H400& Or &H1000& ' xoá thanh nga(n cách trong system menu
                DrawMenuBar Me.hwnd
            End If
      End If
        lStyle = GetWindowLong(Me.hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE)
        lStyle = lStyle Or WS_EX_LAYERED
        SetWindowLong Me.hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, lStyle
        SetLayeredWindowAttributes Me.hwnd, 0, 0, LWA_ALPHA
        Timer1.Interval = 100
        Timer2.Interval = 100
        Timer2.Enabled = False
        Timer1.Enabled = True
        chuoichay = "                            Chuc Cac Ban Hack Audition Vui Ve - Ban Hack Se Duoc Update Thuong Xuyen - ^^~                                                                                      "
    chuoichay1 = "                  ---- HLModz 1.0  ---  Hack Audition 6111 - VietNam  ---  HAZAMI ---                                                                "
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Resize()
        On Error Resume Next
        ' Resize the child controls on this form…
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
        m_lAlpha = m_lAlpha + 15
        If (m_lAlpha > 255) Then
            m_lAlpha = 255
            Timer1.Enabled = False
            SetLayeredWindowAttributes Me.hwnd, 0, m_lAlpha, LWA_ALPHA
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
        m_lAlpha = m_lAlpha - 15
        If (m_lAlpha < 0) Then
            m_lAlpha = 0
            Unload Me
            SetLayeredWindowAttributes Me.hwnd, 0, m_lAlpha, LWA_ALPHA
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
    'chu chay text
    Dim chuoi1, chuoi2 As String
    chuoi1 = Left(chuoichay, 1)
    chuoi2 = Right(chuoichay, Len(chuoichay) - 1)
    Me.Text1.Text = chuoi2 + chuoi1
    chuoichay = chuoi2 + chuoi1
    End Sub
    'time chay chu form
    Private Sub Timer4_Timer()
    Dim chuoia, chuoib As String
    chuoia = Left(chuoichay1, 1)
    chuoib = Right(chuoichay1, Len(chuoichay1) - 1)
    Form1.Caption = chuoia + chuoib
    chuoichay1 = chuoib + chuoia
    End Sub

Hãy cám ơn bài viết của Admin bằng cáh bấm vào "" nhe!!!

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